How to make a photograph, or a page in a Seaspray Magazine bigger.
On a PC keyboard:
While holding down the 'Ctrl' key and the 'shift' key, tap the '+' key.
Keep tapping the '+' key until the font is the desired size.
On a Macintosh / Apple keyboard:
While holding down the 'command' key and the 'shift' key, tap the '+' key.
Keep tapping the '+' key until the font is the desired size.
To make the font smaller, use the same steps (above) but tap the '_' key instead of the '+' key.
The '_' key is on the same key as the 'minus' symbol.
On a PC keyboard:
While holding down the 'Ctrl' key and the 'shift' key, tap the '+' key.
Keep tapping the '+' key until the font is the desired size.
On a Macintosh / Apple keyboard:
While holding down the 'command' key and the 'shift' key, tap the '+' key.
Keep tapping the '+' key until the font is the desired size.
To make the font smaller, use the same steps (above) but tap the '_' key instead of the '+' key.
The '_' key is on the same key as the 'minus' symbol.