Brighton Technical School History
1960 - 1969
SEASPRAY 1967. Page 3.
The Annual Magazine of Brighton Technical School
The Annual Magazine of Brighton Technical School
Depends on the business. If success to you means going through life as the rolling stone, no responsibility, please yourself, wonderfully free life, then by all means don’t try at all. Of course at times you will get awfully hungry but when you do, remember what a wonderfully carefree life you have. Think of those squares who work hard, have done so all their lives. No freedom, all work and responsibility. Of course they will eat well, have a nice home and a car. Their neighbours will respect them and they contribute to the greatness of our land. How you will despise them!
Your teachers work hard to do their best for you. Of course you know better what is the best for you. You are attending a school with a wonderful tradition of success. It tries to keep up with the times and, if it can be, ahead of them. It does not believe that because something is new it is good, nor does it believe that what was good in the past will necessarily be good in the future.
But we have discovered the wonderful secret of success. Of course everyone will discover this secret sometime. It is the worst kept secret ever. Those who discover it now are those who will get most benefit from it.
I give you the secret! SUCCESS IS THE RESULT OF HARD WORK. Use this secret and you will succeed and only be beaten by one who applies the secret more diligently than you do. For those people we have : HOW TO SUCCEED IN BUSINESS BY REALLY TRYING.
Many of you will leave school this year. I wish you everything you want from life. If you succeed, let us know and we will be proud of you. If you don’t then let us know, we may still be able to help you.
Your teachers work hard to do their best for you. Of course you know better what is the best for you. You are attending a school with a wonderful tradition of success. It tries to keep up with the times and, if it can be, ahead of them. It does not believe that because something is new it is good, nor does it believe that what was good in the past will necessarily be good in the future.
But we have discovered the wonderful secret of success. Of course everyone will discover this secret sometime. It is the worst kept secret ever. Those who discover it now are those who will get most benefit from it.
I give you the secret! SUCCESS IS THE RESULT OF HARD WORK. Use this secret and you will succeed and only be beaten by one who applies the secret more diligently than you do. For those people we have : HOW TO SUCCEED IN BUSINESS BY REALLY TRYING.
Many of you will leave school this year. I wish you everything you want from life. If you succeed, let us know and we will be proud of you. If you don’t then let us know, we may still be able to help you.
SEASPRAY 1967. Page 4.
The Annual Magazine of Brighton Technical School.
The Annual Magazine of Brighton Technical School.
Ann Rickerby : Ann, like all our prefects, has been at Brighton for five years and has been a very conscientious student. Next year will see Ann at R.M.I.T., and eventually she hopes to become a commercial teacher. Ann was also a member of the school tennis team.
Yvonne Law : Yvonne carried out her duties as a prefect in a very efficient manner. Following her three years of commercial training, in 1968 Yvonne will join her friend, Ann, at R.M.I.T., after which she, too, wishes to be a commercial teacher. Yvonne participated in the softball team throughout the year.
Coral Hansford : Coral performed her duties in a cheerful manner and as well as being a prefect, she was captain of Green House. Having pursued a general course Coral is now thinking of taking up a position as a dental nurse. She was a member of the school volleyball team.
Margaret Coldrey : A very quiet girl, Margaret was a very capable prefect, who has received excellent results during her years at Brighton. Margaret is planning to continue with school in 1968, at a business college.
Judith Toll : Like Margaret, Judy is also a quiet one, but she has been a very reliable prefect during the year. Judy is as yet undecided about 1968, but she thinks that she may like to work in a bank.
Fay Robinson : Our head prefect. Fay has performed her duties in a cheerful manner. For Fay, 1968 will mean a position as a junior stenographer.
Yvonne Law : Yvonne carried out her duties as a prefect in a very efficient manner. Following her three years of commercial training, in 1968 Yvonne will join her friend, Ann, at R.M.I.T., after which she, too, wishes to be a commercial teacher. Yvonne participated in the softball team throughout the year.
Coral Hansford : Coral performed her duties in a cheerful manner and as well as being a prefect, she was captain of Green House. Having pursued a general course Coral is now thinking of taking up a position as a dental nurse. She was a member of the school volleyball team.
Margaret Coldrey : A very quiet girl, Margaret was a very capable prefect, who has received excellent results during her years at Brighton. Margaret is planning to continue with school in 1968, at a business college.
Judith Toll : Like Margaret, Judy is also a quiet one, but she has been a very reliable prefect during the year. Judy is as yet undecided about 1968, but she thinks that she may like to work in a bank.
Fay Robinson : Our head prefect. Fay has performed her duties in a cheerful manner. For Fay, 1968 will mean a position as a junior stenographer.
Leon Laks : (Head Prefect). Leon has done an excellent job this year as Head Prefect and President of the S.R.C. In the sporting field he was chosen captain of the baseball and cricket team and also participated in the athletics team.
Rodney Nye : Rodney was the deputy Head Prefect. Rodney has proved himself an excellent student, obtaining a Commonwealth Scholarship. Surprising enough he found time to play in the volleyball team.
Russell Dunn : Russell has proved himself a fine sportsman, being selected in the football and cricket teams, also in the swimming team.
Gary Hall : Gary is a very capable prefect. He proved to be an asset in the volleyball team.
Geoff Pridgeon : Geoff has proved to be the cheerful one among the prefects.
He also found time to captain the football team and also took part in the swimming team.
Alf Browne : Alf has obtained excellent results over the past five years at the school, holding a Commonwealth Scholarship. He also found time for the basketball team.
Robert Smallwood : Robert is a quiet but capable prefect doing the necessary duties. He, like many other prefects, holds a Commonwealth Scholarship. He also represented us in the volleyball team.
Malcolm McClimont : Malcolm is another Commonwealth Scholarship holder. Malcolm played in the football and cricket teams. He carried out his duties to the utmost.
Philip Beaty : Philip holds a Commonwealth Scholarship and was chosen captain of the summer and winter basketball teams.
Craig Nicoll : Craig is a Fourth Former who has been chosen a prefect. Craig gained selection in the swimming, athletics and basketball teams.
Jim Lewis : Jim is the other Fourth Former to be a prefect. Jim has only been at the school for two years and has proved himself to be a good leader. He captained our swimming team which won the “A” Grade Metropolitan Technical Schools Swimming Sports.
John Wood : John is a very capable and efficient prefect. John proved himself to be the sportsman among the prefects, taking part in the baseball, cricket, volleyball and also the football teams.
Rodney Nye : Rodney was the deputy Head Prefect. Rodney has proved himself an excellent student, obtaining a Commonwealth Scholarship. Surprising enough he found time to play in the volleyball team.
Russell Dunn : Russell has proved himself a fine sportsman, being selected in the football and cricket teams, also in the swimming team.
Gary Hall : Gary is a very capable prefect. He proved to be an asset in the volleyball team.
Geoff Pridgeon : Geoff has proved to be the cheerful one among the prefects.
He also found time to captain the football team and also took part in the swimming team.
Alf Browne : Alf has obtained excellent results over the past five years at the school, holding a Commonwealth Scholarship. He also found time for the basketball team.
Robert Smallwood : Robert is a quiet but capable prefect doing the necessary duties. He, like many other prefects, holds a Commonwealth Scholarship. He also represented us in the volleyball team.
Malcolm McClimont : Malcolm is another Commonwealth Scholarship holder. Malcolm played in the football and cricket teams. He carried out his duties to the utmost.
Philip Beaty : Philip holds a Commonwealth Scholarship and was chosen captain of the summer and winter basketball teams.
Craig Nicoll : Craig is a Fourth Former who has been chosen a prefect. Craig gained selection in the swimming, athletics and basketball teams.
Jim Lewis : Jim is the other Fourth Former to be a prefect. Jim has only been at the school for two years and has proved himself to be a good leader. He captained our swimming team which won the “A” Grade Metropolitan Technical Schools Swimming Sports.
John Wood : John is a very capable and efficient prefect. John proved himself to be the sportsman among the prefects, taking part in the baseball, cricket, volleyball and also the football teams.
SEASPRAY 1967. Page 23.
The Annual Magazine of Brighton Technical School.
The Annual Magazine of Brighton Technical School.
Although we did not have a great amount of success with House events during the year, I am very proud of the enthusiasm shown amongst the members of the House. Congratulations to Beverley Rogers for winning the Junior Athletics cup and I am sure she and many other girls will prove that they can do better in years to come.
All thanks to Glenda Weakley and Jennifer Carnegie for helping throughout the year. On the principle of best things last, we would like to thank Miss Reddick for the help that she has given us.
All thanks to Glenda Weakley and Jennifer Carnegie for helping throughout the year. On the principle of best things last, we would like to thank Miss Reddick for the help that she has given us.
This year Blue House has been quite successful although we did not take off any winning cups for the Swimming Sports or the Athletic Sports. Rhonda Brown and Jeanette Williams won the Junior and Senior high Jumps events at the House sports and both girls went on to win their events again when they competed at the Inter-School Athletics Carnival in October. Congratulations Rhonda and Jeanette. We wish to thank all girls for their enthusiastic support throughout the year and congratulations to all girls who gained places at the sporting carnivals. Thank you very much Mrs. Parker, our House Mistress, for the wonderful help, and also her assistant, Mrs. Ravenscroft.
This has been an extremely successful year for Red. Firstly by winning the Swimming Grand Aggregate Cup and the Team Events Shield. Sue Potton, Red’s Junior House Captain, showed great support by winning the Junior Diving, and K. Shaw and L. Edbrooke, both by coming equal first in the Senior Swimming Cup. The Athletics Sports came next and Red once again led the field by winning the Marching cup and also the Grand Aggregate Cup. You can see from this that Red showed that they are undefeatable.
All of our success must, of course, go to Mrs. Kellam, for being such a marvellous House Mistress. We must also thank the other Houses for competing against us. Thanks to all girls who participated in the sports and also the girls who cheered them on. We hope Red will continue on next year and have as much success as this year.
All of our success must, of course, go to Mrs. Kellam, for being such a marvellous House Mistress. We must also thank the other Houses for competing against us. Thanks to all girls who participated in the sports and also the girls who cheered them on. We hope Red will continue on next year and have as much success as this year.
SEASPRAY 1967. Page 29.
The Annual Magazine of Brighton Technical School.
The Annual Magazine of Brighton Technical School.
First of all we would like to give Red House our congratulations for being winners of this year. Although Gold House did not win this year all the girls tried hard. Gold House was well represented in the school teams this year as you will see from the following list :
Swimming : G. Draper, C. Gordon, C. Schwarze, L. Clarke.
Athletics : G. Draper, C. Schwarze, E. Brett, Wendy Dunn,
B. Karreen, V. Jenkin, R. Jenkin, H. Fawkner,
K. Ursworth.
Basketball : J. Gaborit, D. Gowdie, C. Schwarze, W. Dunn.
Softball : G. Draper, C. Gordon, Y. Law, S. Nicholson,
J. O’Connell, S. Lee, C. Rooke.
Hockey : M. Beable, B. Fliener.
Volleyball : J. Dixon, N. Morris.
Marching : V. Masterson, C. Gordon, C. Schwarze, B. Coxon,
A. Evans, J. Wells, S. Lee, Y. Law, W. Dunn.
On behalf of the House I would like to thank our House Mistress, Miss Joyce, for her encouragement and great assistance throughout the year. I would also like to thank Christine Gordon for her assistance as Senior Vice-Captain. Also my thanks go to Robyn Jenkins as Junior Captain, and Annette Frederickson as Junior Vice-Captain. All the girls in Gold House would like to thank Christine Schwarze for being a reliable and good Captain. I would like to wish all the best to the House Captain of Gold next year and hope everybody has a Happy Christmas.
Swimming : G. Draper, C. Gordon, C. Schwarze, L. Clarke.
Athletics : G. Draper, C. Schwarze, E. Brett, Wendy Dunn,
B. Karreen, V. Jenkin, R. Jenkin, H. Fawkner,
K. Ursworth.
Basketball : J. Gaborit, D. Gowdie, C. Schwarze, W. Dunn.
Softball : G. Draper, C. Gordon, Y. Law, S. Nicholson,
J. O’Connell, S. Lee, C. Rooke.
Hockey : M. Beable, B. Fliener.
Volleyball : J. Dixon, N. Morris.
Marching : V. Masterson, C. Gordon, C. Schwarze, B. Coxon,
A. Evans, J. Wells, S. Lee, Y. Law, W. Dunn.
On behalf of the House I would like to thank our House Mistress, Miss Joyce, for her encouragement and great assistance throughout the year. I would also like to thank Christine Gordon for her assistance as Senior Vice-Captain. Also my thanks go to Robyn Jenkins as Junior Captain, and Annette Frederickson as Junior Vice-Captain. All the girls in Gold House would like to thank Christine Schwarze for being a reliable and good Captain. I would like to wish all the best to the House Captain of Gold next year and hope everybody has a Happy Christmas.
SEASPRAY 1967. Page 34.
The Annual Magazine of Brighton Technical School.
The Annual Magazine of Brighton Technical School.
A very successful year by Green House can be attributed to the enthusiasm that has pervaded all our teams. We did not do so well in football and swimming, but boy! We certainly made up for these losses with a staggering 84 point win over our nearest rival in athletics. Congratulations to all our successful competitors and those from the other Houses. We don’t begrudge them a few victories, but let us give special praise to all the boys who tried hard but were unlucky, the boys who help to make a team but don’t seem to star, without whose constant support no sporting competition may be judged a success.
The boys from Green House representing the school in the various teams were :
Athletics : L. Mernone, J. Underhill, P. Wood, M. Wheeler,
C. Nicoll, D. Butcher, R. Lewis, K. Williams, J. Tougher,
F. Auditore, R. Quint, K. Surridge, D. Nassau.
Baseball : J. Kaz, J. Wood, P. Wood, G. Hayes.
Basketball : B. Williams, K. Williams, P. Evans.
Cricket : R. Dunn, S. Cohen, J. Wood.
Cross Country : B. Griffin, M. Griffin, D. Nassau.
Football : R. Dunn, W. Brains, K. Williams, S. Cohen.
Soccer : R. Rooney, J. Daperis.
Swimming : C. Nicoll, M. Wheeler.
Volleyball : J. Kaz.
Tennis : P. Coates.
Particularly outstanding performances came from Craig Nicoll and
Lino Mernone in Technical School’s Athletics.
Craig must be the school’s sportsman of the year with this record :
Swimming : Tech. Champion Under 16 years.
Basketball : A member of the school’s undefeated “A” Grade Team.
Athletics : Under 16 Years Hurdles, “A” Grade, first place.
Lino Mernone broke the Under 16 Discus record by 8 ft. on “Championship Night” with a fantastic throw of 151 ft. 5 in.
Congratulations to Craig and Lino, and our other successful and not so successful competitors who supported Green House so strongly throughout the year.
S. COHEN, House Captain.
R. FRITH, House Master.
SEASPRAY 1967. Page 35.
The Annual Magazine of Brighton Technical School.
The Annual Magazine of Brighton Technical School.
House Captain : Geoff Pridgeon, 5B.
House Master : Mr. D. G. Cole.
Blue House presented another enthusiastic swimming team this year and, led by Geoff Pridgeon, was successful in winning the House Swimming competition for the fourth successive year. Many of this team represented our school at the Inter-Technical Schools’ Swimming Competition and contributed to the success of our school.
At the House Athletics Sports our lads were in everything and although they were unsuccessful in gaining a final place, they fought hard for their House.
I would like to give a special mention to our House Master, Mr. Cole, and on behalf of the Blue Team, I would like to thank him for his enthusiastic support.
House Master : Mr. D. G. Cole.
Blue House presented another enthusiastic swimming team this year and, led by Geoff Pridgeon, was successful in winning the House Swimming competition for the fourth successive year. Many of this team represented our school at the Inter-Technical Schools’ Swimming Competition and contributed to the success of our school.
At the House Athletics Sports our lads were in everything and although they were unsuccessful in gaining a final place, they fought hard for their House.
I would like to give a special mention to our House Master, Mr. Cole, and on behalf of the Blue Team, I would like to thank him for his enthusiastic support.
Red House has had a mixed bag in sport this year. In swimming we did well enough, being second on the list, but in athletics we did not do so well, in fourth place, However, we take the optimistic view that when things are at a low ebb any change must be for the better, so we are looking forward to future competitions.
Our congratulations to other Houses and to all who took part in the various events and thanks to our House Master, Mr. Taylor, and Sports Masters for their efforts in promoting this (sometimes) more enjoyable side of higher education.
Our congratulations to other Houses and to all who took part in the various events and thanks to our House Master, Mr. Taylor, and Sports Masters for their efforts in promoting this (sometimes) more enjoyable side of higher education.
Another year has passed and although our House has not gone as well as we expected, Gold House had always been fighting it out with the other Houses in the Inter-House Competitions in which we could not have done so well unless we had expert guidance from our House Master, Mr. Coleman. His keen interest in all the sport played by our boys was greatly appreciated. Gold House had quite a good year really, as a big percentage of the boys from our House played with school teams.
Swimming : D. Manners, G. Howarth.
Baseball : L. Laks (Captain), Sam Asher, John McCracken.
Basketball : Phillip Beaty (Captain), Alf Brown, N. Natoli.
Football : Ian Hale (House Captain), D. Winther,
Rodney Nye, Dale Manners, Wayne Lau.
Athletics : Leon Laks, Ian Hale, P. Rich, R. Maiorano,
A. Thompson, M. McKay, Andrew Camm, G. Altuski,
John White, Richard Griffiths, G. Haigh.
Volleyball : Rodney Nye.
Cross Country : P. Rich, A. Rumble, F. Ganther.
Soccer : H. Poler.
Cricket : L. Laks, I. Hale, Andrew Camm, Wayne Lau.
Boys who won medals at Championship Night were :
Sam Asher, Ian Hale, Andrew Camm and J. White.
On behalf of all the boys I would like to thank Mr. Linsten and Mr. McGuinness for coaching the Athletics Team to win the “A” Grade Athletics at Olympic Park. Without their patience and guidance this feat would not have been possible.
Swimming : D. Manners, G. Howarth.
Baseball : L. Laks (Captain), Sam Asher, John McCracken.
Basketball : Phillip Beaty (Captain), Alf Brown, N. Natoli.
Football : Ian Hale (House Captain), D. Winther,
Rodney Nye, Dale Manners, Wayne Lau.
Athletics : Leon Laks, Ian Hale, P. Rich, R. Maiorano,
A. Thompson, M. McKay, Andrew Camm, G. Altuski,
John White, Richard Griffiths, G. Haigh.
Volleyball : Rodney Nye.
Cross Country : P. Rich, A. Rumble, F. Ganther.
Soccer : H. Poler.
Cricket : L. Laks, I. Hale, Andrew Camm, Wayne Lau.
Boys who won medals at Championship Night were :
Sam Asher, Ian Hale, Andrew Camm and J. White.
On behalf of all the boys I would like to thank Mr. Linsten and Mr. McGuinness for coaching the Athletics Team to win the “A” Grade Athletics at Olympic Park. Without their patience and guidance this feat would not have been possible.